Thursday, November 21, 2019

A proposal to review the effect of progressive muscle relaxation Essay

A proposal to review the effect of progressive muscle relaxation techniques on chronic pain in cancer patients - Essay Example A randomised controlled trial 17 3. Chapter Three: Preliminary Literature Review 19 3.1 Progressive Muscle Relaxation 19 3.1.1Complete sequences of progressive muscle relaxation 20 3.2 Synthesis 23 Bibliography 26 Appendixes 29 Appendix 1 Time Table 29 Appendix 2 30 Abstract The proposed research for this study will discuss the progressive muscle relaxation and its techniques along with the effect that it has on chronic pain in patients with cancer. The techniques discussed can have a significant impact on reducing and relaxing chronic pain in patients with cancer. The research for this study will be conducted through an examination of secondary research as relevant literature provides valuable information and knowledge about PMR and its impact on chronic pain. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Pain is the eternal companion of mankind, with medical practitioners spending a great deal of their time assessing and finding ways to alleviate pain. Chronic pain is extremely common i n patients with cancer, especially those who are found in stage IV of the disease. Pain can be divided into four types of intensity: weak, moderate, sever, and very severe. All analgesic therapy in cancer patients is based on the use of non-narcotic, narcotic, and support (adjuvant) drugs, the use of which forms the basis of a three-step approach to pain management which was developed and proposed by the world health organization. It is estimated that one third of all cancer patients suffer from moderate to severe pain related to their cancer and over 50% of patients diagnosed with cancer suffer from some form of pain. The most common types of pain related to cancer are due to the cancer tumor and the treatment. Unlike those who suffer from chronic pain that is unrelated to cancer, those with cancer experience pain in more than on area; the pain can be both acute and chronic and often varies in presentation. Pain is associated with the consequences of changes in psychosocial relatio nships, decreased quality of life, and increased rates of depression and anxiety (Melzack 2005, p. 971-979). Unfortunately, patients and providers often find that pharmacologic therapy does not completely control pain associated with cancer. Pharmacologic management of pain often comes with side effects such as nausea, constipation, drowsiness, pruritus, sedation, and delirium. Complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies, including mind-body techniques, are often sought out. Mind-body therapies are recommended in addition to pharmacological approaches for cancer patients experiencing pain. 1.2 Background/Justification Cancer pain is a complex phenomenon that often occurs due to tumor progression and related pathology, surgery or other invasive procedures. Toxicities of chemotherapy and radiation can significantly contribute to that pain as well as infection which all lead to a multidimensional model of cancer pain that can include the five components of: (1) physiologic (o rganize etiology of the pain); (2) sensory (intensity, location, quality); (3) affective (depression and anxiety); (4) cognitive (the meaning attached to the pain); and (5) behavioral (activity level, analgesic

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